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At Auckland University Cricket Club, we encourage and support our members being vaccinated against COVID-19, so that we can reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of COVID-19. It is important that we provide you with a safe community, in which you can undertake cricket and social activities. The following decisions are taken by the AUCC Board of Management



  • Operations Staff - Required

  • Club Coaches - Required

  • Parent Coaches – Required

  • Entry to Clubrooms - Required

  • Manager/Scorer’s – Not required (Encouraged)

  • Parents of Players (Club Member) - Not Required (Encouraged)

  • Play Outdoors - Not required (Encouraged)

  • Train Outdoors - Not required (Encouraged)

  • Changing rooms – Not Required (TBC) (Encouraged)



Only those people who are fully vaccinated will be able to access the Upstairs Clubrooms. The club will require proof of vaccination at the time of entry to the facility. All Over & Drinks staff will be double vaccinated

Please see below for the general guidelines under each traffic light system:

  • Red:​

    • Customers must be seated and separated. (No Table Side Service)

    • Face coverings are encouraged while customers are not eating/drinking.

    • 100 Gathering Limit

  • Orange:​

    • Face coverings are encouraged.

    • No limits on gatherings

  • Green:​​

    • No limits on gatherings


Please see below for the specific guidelines for entrance to the clubrooms below based on our typical trading hours



As a result of the risk assessment undertaken by the Auckland University Board of Management, employees, contractors and parent (volunteer) coaches who perform a coaching role will be required to be vaccinated. This is because these roles have been assessed as putting the person performing it at an increased risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19, and that risk cannot be safely managed with other control measures.

The roles requiring vaccination are

  • Club Operation Staff Members

  • Club Junior & Senior Coaching Staff

  • Volunteer Parent coaches of Junior Teams



For the same reasons as stated for members and outdoor playing and training venues there is no mandatory requirement vaccination for parents and supporters. They are asked to observe all Covid Health and Safety requirements and to also remain physically distanced from all members during playing and training activities.



Where vaccinations are required, AUCC may ask individuals to disclose, and/or provide proof of, their vaccination status. Information regarding vaccination status is collected for the purposes of our health and safety management planning, implementing this policy, and to identify any relevant support measures (related to Covid-19). AUCC will hold this information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.


You are not required to give this information and if you choose not to provide proof of having received the vaccine, or do not wish to disclose your vaccination status, then we will respect your personal choice and right to that privacy. In the interests of health and safety, those unable or unwilling to provide proof of vaccination when requested, will be treated as though they have not been vaccinated.


In keeping with Government Guidelines all children 12 years old and younger will not be required to show proof of vaccination but will automatically be treated as if they are vaccinated.



Outdoor Training and Playing Guidelines

As stated earlier in this policy all members are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated. However, for playing or training outdoors vaccination is not a mandatory requirement for the following reasons


  • Government, NZC and Auckland Cricket Covid Guidelines have all recognised that the risk of transmission in outdoor community sport is minimal provided the usual Covid health and safety process are followed

  • Cricket in New Zealand wishes to be inclusive and not automatically exclude any sectors of society

  • Auckland Cricket has decided that all club cricket competitions will not mandate that participants have to be vaccinated

  • It would be virtually impossible from a practical perspective to enforce any mandatory vaccination requirement across open and public outdoor cricket training and playing venues.


With the new COVID-19 Protection Framework, New Zealand Cricket has developed a guide to assist with ensuring all participants remain safe and can play and train within Government and Sport New Zealand guidelines. The guide below under each traffic light is based on a non COVID Vaccine Certificate environment.


Please click below for the guidelines under each traffic light system



To reduce the spread of COVID-19 a procedure has been established in the event of a positive case within AUCC. Please click on the document to see the process



For those members concerned about disruption to the cricket season due to COVID-19, we can advise that in the event there is a significant number of playing days lost as a result of COVID-19, the Club will look to offer a partial refund/credit to members. However, any refund/credit will need to be assessed and calculated retrospectively, once the total impact of any disruption is known.



Further reading:​



Last updated 9/12/2021

027 424 1880


71-73 Merton Road

St Johns, Auckland, NZ 1071


Auckland University Cricket Club, PO Box 18-193, Glen Innes, Auckland, 1743

  • aucklanduniversitycc
  • Aucc1907
CLM The Bays - Black.png
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